Thursday, March 8, 2012

2012 - Little Painted Canyon

The Little Painted Canyon and Ladders hike is almost the same length of hike (5 miles) as the the Big Painted Canyon.  When you get to the top of the ridge after going through the ladders you drop over the left bank.  The usual route is to the right and is a gentler trail to the Big Canyon. 

The Ladders continue to amaze first time hikers because of the narrow passages and the quick change in altitude attained by using ladders.  In many locations you can walk along ledges and see the progress of the team below.  Not many took me up on a look over the edge.

The Little Painted Canyon is narrower than the big one and has many interesting features you don't see in the other. 

Option Two was to walk through a gap in the boulders.

Option One is to climb over the boulders and take a ladder down

Waiting below for the ladder to take you up about 30 feet

Of course the ladders don't go right to the top and you have to do a bit of a scramble

A view down on the zig-zag canyon
 I have inserted many photos of the plants that are currently in flower.  There aren't a huge amount this year due to the lack of rain.

Creosote Bush

Brittle Bush

Beavertail Cactus

Brown-eyed Primrose

Second to last ladder, getting close to the top

Start of the Little Painted Canyon - Over the bank for a scramble and slide

Ocotillo bloom

Wild Heliotrope

Ghost Flower

Bee on the Lavender Bush

Interesting monolith to walk around

More zig-zag canyons

OK! Where's the exit here?

Canyon opens up at the bottom and the cars are parked around the corner to the left.


  1. Like the photos of the dry canyons. Looks like fun.

  2. Wow, beautiful pics. Very professional looking. Glad you enjoyed your American Thanksgiving. Your Canadian Thanksgiving is in October, I think? Can't remember for sure.

    Stay safe and happy!
