Friday, November 23, 2012

2012 - Big Morongo Canyon Preserve

The Big Morongo Canyon changes quite a bit with the seasons.  The last time we visited was in January and there is an earlier blog on the 7th of January that shows a very dry and bleak landscape. If you find time look up this blog and compare the photos.

I love hiking at places that have warning signs.  They also had one for Rattlesnakes.  We never saw either.

One of the reason I like this hike is the name plates beside numerous plants.  When we hike out of the preserves it gives us an opportunity to test our knowledge.

Overview of the preserve from the Yucca Ridge Trail

Small mesquite shrub with a desert mistletoe growing on it.

Trail was dissected by a group of Bighorn Sheep, too bad we didn't get to see more than just their tracks.

Another view overlooking the canyon trail. It heads north down about 5 miles from where we are standing.

Although the canyon walls are very dry the bottom of the canyon has a marsh environment.

This is a Blue Bird that was on top of a mesquite shrub about 200 meters away.

The park is used by young and old so this hat was probably lost off a child's doll or maybe some poor field mouse lost it.
This is the Marsh Trail and you can see by the boardwalk that it is wheelchair accessible.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

2012 - Murray Hill
It is good to be back once again and hiking in the desert environment.  We arrived in the area last week and I have been eager to get hiking.  Mondays have been designated as my day for strenuous hikes.
This hike is well described in hiking books as a hill that has all the vertical of a mountain.  I took a look at the map and thought no problem I will just approach from the north and return to the west.  It ended up being a 14.5 km (9 mile) hike and the elevation gain was 540 m (1780 ft).  I certainly over did it for the first hike but only a wee bit stiff today.
Love these grasses that mark the start of the trail.

First view of Murray Hill after reaching the top of the Araby Trail.

This picture shows which side of the rock is facing north just like moss in the forest.

Took this self-portrait about 100 ft from the summit. I had to run back down a switch-back to get into the shot. It is a good thing the camera has a 10 sec. timer.

This is a view of the Coachella Valley facing east.

I am at the summit!  I know I could have faked it but if you look at the left side you can just make out the mountain range behind me.

Don't know what this butterfly is but loved the body colour.

East view from the summit.

They had some picnic tables at the top, compliments of the Coachella Valley Hiking Association.  Certainly nicer to sit on the bench than to perch on the edge of a sharp rock.

There were quite a few dragonflies hovering around the trail.

This is a view of the west side of Murray Hill.  This is certainly the easier trail to hike and I was happy to return down this route.