Saturday, February 16, 2013

Garstin - Henderson Trail Loop

This is the first time I have lead the group up this trail but felt it was more scenic than a hike from the other side of the hill.  The trail zig-zags up a ridge to the top of a hill called Smoke Tree Mountain, approximately  960 feet ascent from our cars.  The trail is just over 3.5 miles and offers some great views.

They could call this area 'Envy Canyon' instead of  Palm Canyon. Beautiful homes with a few extra amenities.

Almost to the top...

Cairn at the top - Smoke Tree Mountain.  We never did see a smoke tree up there must have died.

This is trail connects Garstin to the Henderson trail. 

All along the ridge you get a view of Bob Hope's old house. The house with the large black roof.

Great variety of scenery - cliffs, wash, golf course and surrounding mountains.

The trail at the end of the ridge zig-zags back down to the canyon floor.

The cars are just around the corner... or is it the next corner???

The horses were out getting exercise today walking up and down the wash.

Whitewater to Mission Creek

Many years ago I was on a hike from Highway 62 to Mission Creek Preserve.  We made it as far as the Pacific Crest Trail and then returned.  I was told that the trail went over the ridge to Whitewater and now today I finally get to hike the whole trail.

We went with a fellow RVer in our park that had a connection to the Sun City Hiking Club and so we split into two groups, one went to Whitewater and the other group started at Mission Creek.  Our group started at Whitewater and we hiked to the Red Dome and from there we forded the creek and headed northeast to the top of a ridge.  At the top of the ridge we waited for the other group and exchanged keys. 

It was a great hike and the 6 mile trail had lots of scenery and what was really good is we didn't have to hike back.

Whitewater River 

The canyon has started to green up after the rainfall two weeks ago.

Red Dome - about 10 feet high rising out of the river bed.  A geologist may be excited by this phenomenon but it looks like a bunch of red clay with rocks packed in it. 

North view up the canyon toward  San Gorgonio Mountain.

Trail to the top of the ridge

Top of the ridge looking south to Mount San Jacinto.

Billy pointing down the trail...

View down to Mission Creek Preserve.

Log cabin in the distance as our hike draws to a conclusion.

We had to cross Mission Creek which wasn't flowing very  much but there was plenty of evidence of the creek becoming a rushing torrent when it rains.

Mission Creek Cabin and picnic area a great spot to end a great hike.  This cabin is actually 2 miles up from a locked gate so we had the combination as one of the hikers was a member of the Preserve Association.  The hike up from the gate is a dirt road so I didn't feel we missed out too much on this stretch of the trail.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Pushawalla and Horseshoe Oases Loop

The hike this week was a bit more strenuous than some in our group would like and after looking at the profile I can see some of the hills are a bit abrupt to climb comfortably. I have never left anyone in the desert and we always wait until one's heart has return from their throat back to their chest.

The Pushawalla had a bit more water flowing through it and it seemed a bit greener than earlier in the season but there still isn't many flowers out in bloom.
This is the hike profile. Our hike started on the left side of the screen (165 m elevation) and finished at the right side at around 6.8 km in distance.
The hikes first ascent started with a set of stairs.

We thought the hike would have to be cancelled because of high winds in the valley  but they weren't too strong up here on the ridge.  As you can see the air quality was very poor in the valley.

The group descending the ridge.

This wash area is the only real ankle breaker on the hike and thankfully everyone was careful with their footing.

Pushawalla Palms

We stopped for a rest inside the palm grove and some of the group thought there was a bit of an unpleasant odour. After our break they looked over a small bank and found this poor old coyote.

Nice to see the creek was flowing.

Another hill... what goes down must go up... that is if you want a ride home.

Horseshoe Palms

The last hill to climb before we get to the cars. Great cardio workout

The stair are the last obstacle before the parking area.  Obstacle as they are about twice the height of any building code would allow.  You can hear your knee snap, crackle, pop and groan. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Pyramid via Slot Canyon

On this hike we started to look for the Big Colorful Canyon and as we followed the instructions it didn't seem all that clear so we went by the GPS mileage and turned up a canyon that was exactly .25 miles from our parking area.  Just because it wasn't a wide canyon didn't matter.

We had a great hike and ended up exploring two slot canyons. The first canyon ended abruptly and it looked as if no one had attempted to climb out, but the next one looked very promising and we made it all the way to the top of a ridge.  

It was obvious that we weren't where we were meant to be so we dropped down into a canyon that was part of the Pyramid Canyon Trail.  It was very interesting to take this round-about-route...

Not the right opening for colorful canyon...

The scenery was spectacular and the path seemed wide.

The first slot canyon came to an end and I didn't want to scale the falls.

Always seems to be lots of lizards around.

Lots of rock/sand blocks that have calved off the side of the canyon.

Some of the rocks are suspended and form a cave where we had to crawl through.

The last slot canyon we climbed the waterfall and came out near the top of a ridge.

Thanks to Arick for supply some pictures.

We got great cell reception up here too.

Brittle Bush is starting to bloom after last week's rain.

We thought we saw a pyramid straight ahead.

It was more obvious looking at it from the east side.

There are many rock formations that reminded me of Arizona.