Saturday, October 24, 2015

White Sands National Monument

White Sands

Today we left our RV in Las Cruces, New Mexico and drove 50 miles north east to the National Monument.  It was great to go early because the sun was coming up over the mountains when we were on the way and the sun wasn't too bright for photos.  The Monument is a pet friendly area just so long as you follow the rules.  It was so tempting to let little PD off leash as he figured it was the greatest place to run around. Probably thought it was snow and in a few of the photos it is hard not to make that mistake.  It is actually a rare form of sand, gypsum sand.  Usually gypsum would dissolve in water and get carried away but there are no rivers around to drain the area.   

Dune with a Yucca that has finished it's bloom

One of the sites was a board walk and it was actually made of metal.  This produced a lot of noise when you walk on it.  I imagine they built it more for the physically challenged people so they can be out among the dunes. When you are out on the dune we noticed how very quiet it is, you can't even hear your own foot steps.

PD was exited to be on the dune. He was probably bored because we were moving too slow.

Picnic area looked sort of abstract against the dunes.

We hiked a short distance along the Alkali Flat Trail. I was wondering how you walk on a trail that can disappear when the wind blows and so you join the dots or marker posts and off we go. Once we had our pictures taken it was back to the truck and off to the visitor center to get the T-shirt.

You aren't supposed to drive on the sand so I am hoping it was the park ranger checking on the hikers.

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